Madeleine Pan (4 different types)
Everything about madeleine pans
#MadeinKorea #Deepmadeleines
The outcome of your madeleine depends on the pan you use.
Choose the right pan. And here we offer the pans used by chef Hanbit himself. All the four pans offer deep cavities which will give you amazing madeleines - the difference is in the number of cavities and the material of the pan.

[Hanbit Recommends]
K-style Madeleine Pans
Deep Cavities
This is absolutely essential in order to produce a big fat belly. Without the right pan, you will never be able to achieve this! All the pans offered here have deep cavities and are used by chef Hanbit.
Purchase Options:
① Teflon Coated 12 Cavities
This is a teflon coated pan of 12 cavities from manufacturer LK. It's very durable and will produce excellent results.
② Silpop Silicon Coated 12 Cavities
This is a premium pan under the brand "Silpap" by manufacturer Woojung. (Explanation on silicon coated pans below.)
③ Silpop Silicon Coated 16 Cavities - GSME
This is a premium pan under the brand "silpap" by manufacturer Woojung. If you are looking for a pan that will fit directly into your oven then this might be it.(Explanation on silicon coated pans below.)
④ Silpop Silicon Coated 16 Cavities - UNOVEX
This is a premium pan under the brand "silpap" by manufacturer Woojung. If you are looking for a pan that will fit directly into your oven then this might be it. (Explanation on Silicon coated pans below.)
Q. What is the difference between options ②~④?
Essentially Option 2~4 are the same in terms of the brand, silicon coating and the size of each cavity. The only difference is in the total size. Option 2 holds 12 cavities whereas option 3 & option 4 hold 16 cavities.
Q. What is GSME/UNOVEX? What's the difference between option ③ & option ④?
Option 3~4 would fit directly into your oven rack - no need to place the madeleine pan on another pan before baking in the oven. Now, ovens from different brand are of different sizes. Gierre and SMEG ovens (GSME) share the same tray size measuring approx 43 x 32cm. UNOX and BENIX ovens (UNOVEX) share the same tray size measuring approx 46 x 33.5cm. Therefore, please check your oven and tray size before deciding which 16 cavity pan to purchase.
If you are unclear about the tray size, please contact us on live chat by clicking the button on bottom right corner of the page. We are happy to assist.

① Teflon Coated 12 Cavities

② Silpop Silicon Coated 12 Cavities

③ Silpop Silicon Coated 16 Cavities - GSME

④ Silpop Silicon Coated 16 Cavities - UNOVEX
Teflon vs. Silicon Coating
So what is this all about?
Teflon and silicon are different materials that are used to coat baking pans. Coating silicon is more difficult to manufacture and thus the price of silicon coated pans are significantly higher.
1. Silicon coating allows you to bake your products without greasing with butter/oil. This will greatly cut down your workload and time - especially more important in a business environment. In the long run, the time you save will accumulate leading to higher production efficiency.
2. Silicon coating also shows superior results with chocolate coating techniques (photo below). The glossy/shiny surface is unmatched with anything else when using a silicone coated pan.

Using silicon coated pan

Using silicon coated pan
① Teflon Coated 12 Cavities
Pan Size: 33.5cm x 26cm x 2.3cm / Size of each cavity: 7.8cm x 5cm x 2.3cm
② Silpop Silicon Coated 12 Cavities
Pan Size: 33.5cm x 26cm x 2.2cm / Size of each cavity: 7.7cm x 5cm x 2.2cm
③ Silpop Silicon Coated 16 Cavities - GSME
Pan Size: 43cm x 32cm x 2.2cm / Size of each cavity: 7.7cm x 5cm x 2.2cm
④ Silpop Silicon Coated 16 Cavities - UNOVEX
Pan Size: 46cm x 33.5cm x 2.2cm / Size of each cavity: 7.7cm x 5cm x 2.2cm
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