Cancellation & Refunds
You may only cancel and receive a full refund within 7 days as long as there is no record of use in any way (no downloading of the recipe material, no record of watching the video)
After 7 days from purchase, no refund is possible.
Refund Policy
– All class tickets can be refunded in full within 7 days (based on the date of payment) “if there is no history of use”.
– Usage history refers to watching at least one video course by clicking or downloading recipe materials. (If there is a record of either one, it is considered a history of use)
– Refunds are not available if recipe materials have been downloaded. (No refund amount)
– If you watch 3 or less video lectures, 50% will be refunded.
– The viewing history is recorded as the viewing history the moment you click the video.
– The usage history is applied equally to all devices such as PC, mobile, laptop, and tablet.
– No refund amount regardless of usage history if more than 7 days from the start of the course based on the date of request for refund
The company’s refund exceptions are as follows:
– If a member is forced to withdraw from the company in violation of the relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, the refund policy of this article does not apply.
– The amount obtained by the member due to discount coupons provided free of charge by the company to the member is not refundable.
– In the event of a refund, if a financial fee is incurred, it can be deducted and refunded.
– If a member violates related laws or terms of use, refunds may be refused according to the terms of use and policy.
Effective Date: June 10, 2022