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Although the course is designed to provide enough information and guidance, there will be times when you head into a wall. Then don’t hesitate to leave questions – we are happy to help!
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Melinda Salim
2024-08-04 01:05
Hi Chef
Iam Melinda from pudding classes both milk and cream pudding. I would like to say thankyou for making this great recipe.
I have try made some pudding flavor, but i have some question related to this course:
Iam Melinda from pudding classes both milk and cream pudding. I would like to say thankyou for making this great recipe.
I have try made some pudding flavor, but i have some question related to this course:
- In Cream Pudding especially the chocolate flavor, one of the ingredient is cocoa mass. In my place, I can’t find it. Can you give me a recomendation what can i use to substitute the cocoa mass and how many gram to use? Is it a same amount of cocoa mass or we have to adjust.
- If i want to make a less sugar milk pudding and less sugar cream pudding, how many percent sugar that i can reduce from the recipe?
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